Saturday, April 05, 2008


The Horrors of the Status Quo and the Spread of Prosperity and Freedom

If China attacks Taiwan, who will defend Taiwan's freely elected people? If North Korea attacks South Korea or Japan, who will defend their free peoples? If Iran launches a nuclear tipped missile toward Israel, who will stand in the way of such actions? ("Talks" and conferences are not standing in the way).

If totalitarianism and its spread continues its reemergence, who will stand and rally the forces of free and open society?

...France? Middle-class Canadian snowboarders wearing Che Guevara T-shirts? The corrupt U.N. and its squad of anti-U.S. socialists?

Don't make me laugh.

A strong and influential America may mean the continuation of McDonald's franchises around the world. It may mean Starbucks logos and flavorful coffee beverages in places far and wide. It may mean the loss of another dictator in the world's club of authoritarian despots. It will surely mean a continuation of market driven prosperity and the spread of open democratic government.

A strong America means dictators who are cautious and restrained, whether in North Korea or Iran etc.

A weakened America, so longed for by spoiled brats the world over, means -- in all likelihood -- the continued and fortified ascent of a non-democratic China, the possible (a weakened America would most certainly mean a probable) invasion of Taiwan and a nuclear Iran, not to mention the successful worldwide spread of Jihad inc.

A strong America means, essentially, the status quo. If one sees our times as terrible, this would be a bad thing (and would reflect an observer's inability to discern historical reality and the relative progress of contemporary civilization).

A weak America, or one dominated by the same failed philosophies as the passive and idealistic European socialist mindset, would mean chaos, war (real war on a mass scale), historically unprecedented violence, and the ascendancy of authoritarian governments with nothing to stand in their way.

So, cringe all you want, those of you from the pampered socialist bourgeoisie snob-parade. We Americans are the good guys and you and your minions represent nothing more than the same horrors of the past that we have seen when sympathy is given to tyranny and a powerful free society is held in contempt.

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